Ip сервера рак нет

  • Информация
  • WEB модуль
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  • Игроки
  • Статистика
  • Виджет для Яндекса

RakNet представляет собой уникальный сервер для настоящих геймеров. Здесь есть возможность собрать собственную компанию друзей и полностью окунуться в игровой мир. Что ждет игроков после регистрации?

• незабываемые приключения на работе;
• опасности в гетто;
• веселье в клубах;
• общение с игроками;
• обмен опытами;
• рекомендации по улучшению своей игры от профессионалов.

Что требуется от игрока? Только пройти простой процесс регистрации и выбрать индивидуальную роль в мире, максимально приближенном к реальному. Здесь есть возможность стать тем, кем вы всегда мечтали.
Многофункциональность RakNet!
Успешная реализация ролевой игры доступна только при использовании множества предметов. В этом плане RakNet преуспел. Что предлагается на проекте?

• оружие;
• продукты питания;
• одежда;
• детали для тюнинга;
• наркотики.

В панели игрока можно сделать полный обзор персонажа и ознакомиться с наличием инвентаря. Здесь все элементы кликабельны и несут в себе определенную функцию.

Предметы на RakNet –реальная жизнь персонажа!
В игре предусмотрены индикаторы сытости, чистоты и наркозависимости. Зачем необходимо подобные индикаторы? Их функционал направлен на полный контроль игроком за персонажем. С их помощью пользователь всегда будет знать о состоянии голода и других жизненно необходимых моментах. При нарушении стандартного цикла персонаж теряет свои физические способности. Данная возможность максимально приближает жизнь к реальной, что добавляет игре особого интереса. Где допускается хранение инвентаря?

• носить с собой;
• хранить в домашних условиях;
• в багажнике собственного авто.

RakNet предоставляет права выбора, что является существенным преимуществом сервера.
Что еще можно отнести к достоинствам? Система быстрой передачи предметов между игроками внутри игры. Для передачи следует только выделить игрока, нажать на соответствующую иконку и определить необходимый предмет для передачи. Допускается обмен денежными средствами. Все очень просто и быстро.

Автопарк внутри игры!
Разработчики проекта реализовали возможность хранения не только предметов для персонажа, но и автомобилей. Игрок получает возможность создать собственный автопарк. Максимальное количество транспорта – 48. Пользователи, обладающие полноценным автопарком, могут продавать транспортные средства, обмениваться или просто собирать и создавать уникальные коллекции. Еще одна уникальная возможность – хранение автомобиля своего друга, пока тот находится без жилья. Для этого необходимо только принять поступившее предложение. Как можно зарабатывать на продаже авто? Игрок может приобретать автомобили одной модели и модифицировать их по своему вкусу. После окончания работ по тюнингу следует выставить авто на продажу. Даже такой бизнес доступен в игре.

Рейсталинг – создай авто своей мечты!
Относитесь к любителям автотюнинга? RakNet предоставляет возможность почувствовать себя настоящим авто-конструктором. Здесь можно самостоятельно поставить каждую деталь. Приобрели деталь, которая вам не понравилась? Не отчаивайтесь, так как RakNet позволяет подать объявление в игре по продаже детали. Покупатель обязательно найдется. Также вы можете составить аналогичное предложение по обмену определенной составляющей.
Как можно выделяться на дороге? Создайте уникальный дизайн вашего авто. Для этого следует открыть инвентарь и воспользоваться слотами для установки деталей. На экране высвечиваются индикаторы:

• Repair – указывает на уровень состояния авто. О необходимости в ремонте говорят цвета (от зеленого к красному);
• Refill – отвечает за количество топлива. Как только индикатор краснее, то это сигнализирует о срочной заправке авто;
• Color – цветовые оттенки кузова авто.

Кроме этого, существует возможность просмотра общей статистики автомобиля (общий пробег, расход топлива и другие показатели).

RakNet is no longer available for license

The history of RakNet

Much of my time as a young adult was spent on two things, Subspace, and programming. I was fantastically accomplished at the former, barely capable of the latter. The reason was that Computer Science did not teach programming, it taught math. I understood recursion in Lisp, but could not write a real program in C++. I could design a binary adder, but could not figure out Windows dialog boxes.

In 2001 I decided college wasn't going to directly lead to career success, so I started writing my own game as a learning experience. That led to a job with nFusion interactive. I was hired to add multiplayer to their single player engine. I initially used a 3rd party network engine, but dropped it once I found out their reliable packetized data was using TCP. In two weeks I replaced it with my own engine, and in 2002 we shipped the well-received Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater.

Though it had been a year since I was a student, I was still frustrated about the hard time I had with DirectX and various game engines. Why should it take hundreds of lines of code just to initialize a black screen? What is vertex order and why should I care about that, when I just want to show a tank on the screen? Why are there so many pointers to structures, when one could just pass the arguments? I felt that some middleware libraries were so hard to use that for the features I wanted, it was faster to write my own system than figure out theirs. With these lessons in my mind, and permission from my then-boss Jason Zisk, I wrote the first version of RakNet.

RakNet 1.0

RakNet 1.0 was $2,000 for a site-license for the PC only. The only real feature it had was reliable UDP, with a maximum of 30 datagrams per second. But what made it stand out was the documentation and ease of use. The principle I followed was that the purpose of a middleware library is to save the developer time:

1. The user should not have to manage bookkeeping that the engine can do automatically.
2. Every function should correspond to one meaningful operation.
3. Everything should be documented, and the documentation alone should be enough to do everything you need to do. You shouldn't have to study the source.

In order to capture the Indy market, I made a restricted version of RakNet free under the GPL. The community added Linux and later Mac support and provided fixes and feature suggestions. With outside help, RakNet became bigger than what I could program myself.

During these early years, especially before RakNet became a business, I was consistently enthusiastic and diligent. I would check the forum as often as once an hour. There were never any known bugs with any release, and any reasonable feature request would be implemented right away, sometimes even the same day. While RakNet did not yet get traction with major game companies, among indy developers RakNet was so far beyond any other network middleware there was no reason to use anything else.


Around 2008, I started treating RakNet as a business rather than a hobby. In late 2009, the then CEO of Scaleform, Brendan Iribe, took an hour out of his busy schedule to give me helpful advice and motivation on how to enter the tools and middleware programs on the PS3 and XBOX 360. I also spent about $10,000 to rent the smallest booth at the GDC in 2010. I spoke myself hoarse, literally sat inside Microsoft's booth until I could ambush the XBOX 360 account manager, and left the show successful. With RakNet soon supporting the PS3 and XBOX 360 and lots of new contacts, 10 times the market should open up to me right?

I hired a programmer and ordered four expensive development kits. But while I did well site-licensing to game engines, sales to major studios only increased by about 25%. Lots of new games displayed other middleware on their splash screens, but not RakNet. Why was this? I'm just a programmer. I don't like cold-calling. My past experiences with advertising had been negative. Maybe I needed marketing help?

I was introduced to a marketing team who did a great job of talking themselves up. They did their research and thought RakNet had great potential. With their help cold-calls would become leads and leads would turn into sales. They would come up with a complete marketing campaign all for a monthly fee that paled in comparison to the revenue they would bring in. I put them on the payroll, sent ten leads I had over the past 6 months, and over the following three months I got exactly. nothing. Literally nothing happened. Well except me mailing checks.

As a student of How to Win Friends & Influence People I always thought if I would just talk and motivate differently I could get different results. We renegotiated the contract to a large commission and dropped the monthly fee. Over the next year the marketing team processed emails I got to sales@raknet.com, but that was the only consistent work done. I kept getting told that it impossible to tell if an incoming sale was due to their own efforts or something I would have already got anyway. While technically true, the fact is sales did not increase. Even when I had major news, such as the first MMO (Lego Universe) launching with RakNet, I couldn't even get a press release out through them and a month later had to pay a separate company to do it myself. When I read my old emails on the subject, I get embarrassed at how direct and angry my tone was. And that was after I spent an hour rewriting that email to be less angry.


When Gamespy stopped licensing in 2013 I thought the lack of competition would give my business a boost. I wrote MasterServer2 and Lobby3 to sell as a substitute to Gamespy's matchmaking service. But during development I switched from Google App Engine to Terracotta's BigMemory, which in hindsight I should not have done. Hosting my own server led to 3 AM phone calls due to random Apache shutdowns and lost customer data due to a misunderstanding of how cache expiration works. Ultimately it did not matter, Steam already offers a similar service for free. I only got a few leads from ex-Gamespy developers.

While the next four years of sales were sustainable, I did supplement my revenue through contracting. Also, a significant portion of my revenue was one-time site licenses. I began to realize that fundamentally, my lack of sales increase is because networking is a problem that has been largely solved. Even though RakNet may be much better than what other studios have developed, what they have is "good enough" and they own and understand it. As games get bigger and more expensive, especially on consoles, they get developed by larger studios, who already have their own engines that are "good enough".

My late-wife died January 24, 2014 of liver cancer. In April that year I sold the PC IP to Oculus so I could focus on my job there. Between these two things I kind of lost interest in RakNet. While I still get some inquiries, as of as of March 13, 2015 I've decided to stop licensing so I can focus on changing the world through VR.

Thanks for a great 13 years!

Thanks to the RakNet forum members, licencees, and partners at Microsoft and Sony for the great adventure RakNet has been.

RakNet is no longer available for license

The history of RakNet

Much of my time as a young adult was spent on two things, Subspace, and programming. I was fantastically accomplished at the former, barely capable of the latter. The reason was that Computer Science did not teach programming, it taught math. I understood recursion in Lisp, but could not write a real program in C++. I could design a binary adder, but could not figure out Windows dialog boxes.

In 2001 I decided college wasn't going to directly lead to career success, so I started writing my own game as a learning experience. That led to a job with nFusion interactive. I was hired to add multiplayer to their single player engine. I initially used a 3rd party network engine, but dropped it once I found out their reliable packetized data was using TCP. In two weeks I replaced it with my own engine, and in 2002 we shipped the well-received Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater.

Though it had been a year since I was a student, I was still frustrated about the hard time I had with DirectX and various game engines. Why should it take hundreds of lines of code just to initialize a black screen? What is vertex order and why should I care about that, when I just want to show a tank on the screen? Why are there so many pointers to structures, when one could just pass the arguments? I felt that some middleware libraries were so hard to use that for the features I wanted, it was faster to write my own system than figure out theirs. With these lessons in my mind, and permission from my then-boss Jason Zisk, I wrote the first version of RakNet.

RakNet 1.0

RakNet 1.0 was $2,000 for a site-license for the PC only. The only real feature it had was reliable UDP, with a maximum of 30 datagrams per second. But what made it stand out was the documentation and ease of use. The principle I followed was that the purpose of a middleware library is to save the developer time:

1. The user should not have to manage bookkeeping that the engine can do automatically.
2. Every function should correspond to one meaningful operation.
3. Everything should be documented, and the documentation alone should be enough to do everything you need to do. You shouldn't have to study the source.

In order to capture the Indy market, I made a restricted version of RakNet free under the GPL. The community added Linux and later Mac support and provided fixes and feature suggestions. With outside help, RakNet became bigger than what I could program myself.

During these early years, especially before RakNet became a business, I was consistently enthusiastic and diligent. I would check the forum as often as once an hour. There were never any known bugs with any release, and any reasonable feature request would be implemented right away, sometimes even the same day. While RakNet did not yet get traction with major game companies, among indy developers RakNet was so far beyond any other network middleware there was no reason to use anything else.


Around 2008, I started treating RakNet as a business rather than a hobby. In late 2009, the then CEO of Scaleform, Brendan Iribe, took an hour out of his busy schedule to give me helpful advice and motivation on how to enter the tools and middleware programs on the PS3 and XBOX 360. I also spent about $10,000 to rent the smallest booth at the GDC in 2010. I spoke myself hoarse, literally sat inside Microsoft's booth until I could ambush the XBOX 360 account manager, and left the show successful. With RakNet soon supporting the PS3 and XBOX 360 and lots of new contacts, 10 times the market should open up to me right?

I hired a programmer and ordered four expensive development kits. But while I did well site-licensing to game engines, sales to major studios only increased by about 25%. Lots of new games displayed other middleware on their splash screens, but not RakNet. Why was this? I'm just a programmer. I don't like cold-calling. My past experiences with advertising had been negative. Maybe I needed marketing help?

I was introduced to a marketing team who did a great job of talking themselves up. They did their research and thought RakNet had great potential. With their help cold-calls would become leads and leads would turn into sales. They would come up with a complete marketing campaign all for a monthly fee that paled in comparison to the revenue they would bring in. I put them on the payroll, sent ten leads I had over the past 6 months, and over the following three months I got exactly. nothing. Literally nothing happened. Well except me mailing checks.

As a student of How to Win Friends & Influence People I always thought if I would just talk and motivate differently I could get different results. We renegotiated the contract to a large commission and dropped the monthly fee. Over the next year the marketing team processed emails I got to sales@raknet.com, but that was the only consistent work done. I kept getting told that it impossible to tell if an incoming sale was due to their own efforts or something I would have already got anyway. While technically true, the fact is sales did not increase. Even when I had major news, such as the first MMO (Lego Universe) launching with RakNet, I couldn't even get a press release out through them and a month later had to pay a separate company to do it myself. When I read my old emails on the subject, I get embarrassed at how direct and angry my tone was. And that was after I spent an hour rewriting that email to be less angry.


When Gamespy stopped licensing in 2013 I thought the lack of competition would give my business a boost. I wrote MasterServer2 and Lobby3 to sell as a substitute to Gamespy's matchmaking service. But during development I switched from Google App Engine to Terracotta's BigMemory, which in hindsight I should not have done. Hosting my own server led to 3 AM phone calls due to random Apache shutdowns and lost customer data due to a misunderstanding of how cache expiration works. Ultimately it did not matter, Steam already offers a similar service for free. I only got a few leads from ex-Gamespy developers.

While the next four years of sales were sustainable, I did supplement my revenue through contracting. Also, a significant portion of my revenue was one-time site licenses. I began to realize that fundamentally, my lack of sales increase is because networking is a problem that has been largely solved. Even though RakNet may be much better than what other studios have developed, what they have is "good enough" and they own and understand it. As games get bigger and more expensive, especially on consoles, they get developed by larger studios, who already have their own engines that are "good enough".

My late-wife died January 24, 2014 of liver cancer. In April that year I sold the PC IP to Oculus so I could focus on my job there. Between these two things I kind of lost interest in RakNet. While I still get some inquiries, as of as of March 13, 2015 I've decided to stop licensing so I can focus on changing the world through VR.

Thanks for a great 13 years!

Thanks to the RakNet forum members, licencees, and partners at Microsoft and Sony for the great adventure RakNet has been.

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Copyright (c) 2014, Oculus VR, Inc.

The Help directory contains index.html, which is full help documentation in HTML format The Source directory contain all files required for the core of Raknet and is used if you want to use the source in your program or create your own dll The Samples directory contains code samples and one game using an older version of Raknet. The code samples each demonstrate one feature of Raknet. The game samples cover several features. The lib directory contains libs for debug and release versions of RakNet and RakVoice There is a make file for linux users in the root directory. Windows users can use projects under Samples\Project Samples

Upgrading from version 3

Windows users (Visual Studio 2008 and 2010)

Load RakNet_VS2008.sln and convert if necessary.

After the project conversion, if you encounter error MSB4006, follow the steps below to fix it:

  1. Open project properties
  2. Click on "Common Properties"
  3. Click on "Framework and References"
  4. Look under "Build Properties"
  5. Change the "Copy Local" flag from "True" to "False"

For other compiler issues, please see Help/compilersetup.html

Windows users (VC6)

Not supported, but you can get by if you directly include the source.

Copy Include, Source, and whatever you want to run in the home directory. Then type g++ ../../lib/w32api/libws2_32.a *.cpp You can run a.exe . You might have to copy *.dll from cygwin\bin as well.

Use cmake , or g++ -lpthread -g *.cpp in the /Source directory. With libcat, use g++ -pthread -g -I./../DependentExtensions *.cpp in the /Source directory.

64 bit use -m64 command line Sometimes you need -pthread instead of -lpthread

Command to build 64 bit chat example server from the /Source directory:

Command to build NATCompleteServer from the Samples/NATCompleteServer directory:

Command to build autopatcher server from /Source directory:

Command to build NATCompleteServer from /Source directory:

Command to build BigPacketTest from /Source directory:

Or with debugging info on:

If you get /usr/local/lib/libraknet.so: undefined reference to `__sync_fetch_and_add_4 then build with -march=i686

Disable a breakpoint:

Delete a breakpoint:

Get a list of breakpoints:

St breakpoint to be ignored that number of times

Other useful commands:

Command to install g++

Command to install gdb

Command to install wget, used to download files from webpages sudo apt-get install wget

Series of commands for a new server: sudo apt-get install wget sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --fix-missing g++ sudo apt-get install gdb cd RakNet_Install_Directory\Source g++ -m64 -g -pthread -I./ "../Samples/Chat Example/Chat Example Server.cpp" *.cpp ./a.out

Open a Terminal window and type:

Use whichever SDK you have. However, the 10.4 SDK is bugged and will not compile unless you use GCC 4.0 from inside XCODE

The sources should build cleanly. This gives you a bunch of PowerPC binaries, compiled against the 10.3.9 SDK which is a good thing.

Give the following command:

This will stitch together a static library for the PowerPC architecture. There may be warnings that some .o files do not have any symbols. If you want to be prudent, remove the named files (the .o files, not the .cpp files!) and re-run the libtool command.

Now, we build the source files for Intel:

..and stitch it into a i386 library:

which should list the two .a files. Now, we make them into a universal binary:

You now have a file named libraknet.a. This is the RakNet library, built to run on both PowerPC and Intel Macs. Enjoy! ;-)

Depending on what version you target, you may have to change two defines to not use 64 bit integers and floats or doubles.

You will need the latest CYWGIN and the android SDK to build native code on the android. Under CYWGIN, you will need to run ndk-build on a directory for RakNet.

Under cygwin, create the RakNet directory somewhere, such as under samples. For example, if you create the path \cygwin\home\Kevin\android-ndk-r4b\samples\RakNet

I copied the Android.Manifest.xml and other files from another sample

Under jni, you will need the following Android.mk

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := RakNet MY_PREFIX := $(LOCAL_PATH)/RakNetSources/ MY_SOURCES := $(wildcard $(MY_PREFIX)*.cpp) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(MY_SOURCES:$(MY_PREFIX)%=RakNetSources/%) include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)

This version of Android.mk assumes there is a directory called RakNetSources, for example cygwin/home/Kevin/android-ndk-r4b/samples/RakNet/jni/RakNetSources

The command I used to create the junction was:

To unjunction I used:

From within the CYWGIN enviroment, navigate to home/Kevin/android-ndk-r4b/samples/RakNet. Then type

Everything should build and you should end up with a .so file.

You should then be able to create a project in eclipse, and import cygwin/home/Kevin/android-ndk-r4b/samples/RakNet

ID: #1634476, not moderated | Report

История WHOIS Lookup по домену RAKNET.ONLINE (предыдущее значение) находится тут:
Домен RAKNET.ONLINE История изменений WHOIS

RAKNET.ONLINE - Дополнительная информация о домене

  • Сайт raknet.online размещен (страна, город размещения сервера): France, Clichy-sous-Bois ,
    IP-адрес основного сервера:
  • Домен raknet.online, на момент сканирования, не использует бесплатный сервис управления DNS UANIC.
    Вы можете: ⇒ Бесплатно перенести домен raknet.online на панель UANIC
  • Домен raknet.online делегирован NS:
    a.nic.online (
    b.nic.online (
    c.nic.online (
    d.nic.online (
  • Ответ HTTP сервера raknet.online (по состоянию на 07.14.20 14:04:55): HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  • Сайт raknet.online использует Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
  • Расчётная стоимость сайта RAKNET.ONLINE: $105
    Сайт raknet.online, ориентировочно, приносит своему владельцу доход в размере (в месяц): $25.2
  • 🔍 SEO анализ сайта RAKNET.ONLINE актуален на дату (данные обновлены): 2018-06-17 16:03:06 +

RAKNET.ONLINE - Информация о сервере
IP адрес сервера:
Сервер:Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Расположение сервера:France, Clichy-sous-Bois
Поддержка:PHP 5.4.45

Сведения об используемой серверной технологии, IP-адресе и фактическом расположении сервера помогут владельцам доменов (сайтов) получить полную информацию о текущем местонахождении своего сайта, NS-серверах провайдера, узнать имя сервера, и используемую на сервере технологию динамического создания страниц (напр.: ASP.Net) или используемый язык программирования (напр.: PHP или Python).
При нажатии на IP-адрес (IP-адрес является активной ссылкой) пользователям нашего портала будет предоставлена расширенная информация по данному IP-адресу.

Вы можете узнать географическое местоположение сервера (адрес фактического местонахождения сервера), согласно координатам, полученным в результате анализа базы провайдеров (для поиска информации нами используется публичная база IP-адресов IANA). Данная информация может быть полезна как владельцам сайтов, так и их пользователям, для визуализации информации о фактическом местонахождении серверного оборудования, используемого ими (и\или хостинг-провайдерами, под делегированием которых находится данное доменное имя).
Для удобства пользователей адрес размещения серверного оборудования (сайта) показан на картах GoogleMaps как в графической форме, с использованием маркера, так и с использованием текстовой всплывающей подсказки к маркеру.

Заголовок ответа сервера

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2018 15:03:04 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 4049
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Сведения, содержащиеся в ответе сервера на стандартный запрос (протокол: HTTP, порт: 80 \ 8080 \ 8000) позволяют системным администраторам сайтов, и их владельцам, в режиме реального времени, проверить работоспособность своего сервера (сайта).

Отчёт содержит в себе сведения о коде ответа сервера (200OK - сервер поднят, пингуется, доступен), текущей дате и времени данного сервера, типе сервера, значениях параметров , другие (дополнительные) параметры, отдаваемые сервером на стандартный запрос.

HTTP заголовки - это набор правил, предназначенный для организации обмена данными между компьютером пользователя и сервером. HTTP расшифровывается как HyperText Transfer Protocol (протокол передачи гипертекста), это универсальное средство общения сервера с удаленным клиентом, на базе которого, повсеместно, в сети Интернет, регламентируется передача информации между клиентом и сервером, например, об устанавливающемся соединении, о типе передаваемой информации через это соединение, её объёме и т.д. Стандартные HTTP-заголовки в запросах к серверу и стандартные HTTP-заголовки в ответах сервера описаны в технической документации к серверу.

Справка по разделу 'Полная WHOIS информация по домену':

WHOIS - сетевой протокол прикладного уровня, базирующийся на протоколе ТСР, предназначенный для получения публичной информации (регистрационных данных) о владельцах доменных имён, IP-адресов и автономных систем. Протокол используется для подачи автоматизированных запросов к публичным серверам WHOIS баз данных регистраторов, базам IP-адресов и регистраторов доменных имён. Доступ к информации, размещённой регистраторами в своих WHOIS-базах, при использовании пользователями технологического портала WHOIS.UANIC.NAME, формы подачи персонального запроса к информации, хранимой распределёнными WHOIS базами, обеспечивает пользователям нашего сервиса доступ в реальном времени к информации баз WHOIS, по индивидуальным, неавтоматизированным, запросам. Доступ к информации баз WHOIS через порт 43, позволяющий выполнять автоматизированные запросы, может быть предоставлен реселлерам UANIC в качестве дополнительного сервиса, по запросу.

Поиск полных контактных данных WHOIS владельца (регистранта) доменного имени, ответственного администратора доменного имени, технического и\или финансового контакта домена, а также первичной даты регистрации (делегирования домена), и ее истечения, серверах имен, и текущем статусе запрашиваемого домена, может быть бесплатно выполнен путём подачи пользователем запроса через форму поиска WHOIS информации, размещённую на данном сайте.

Базы данных WHOIS управляются в основном регистраторами и регистратурами. Отдел IANA корпорации ICANN управляет центральной регистратурой для всех видов интернет-ресурсов и указывает на сервер WHOIS ответственной (под)-регистратуры, а также на контактную информацию этой регистратуры, в случае, если она размещена публично. Существует полная и сокращённая форма предоставления регистраторами информации из WHOIS баз. Полнота и формат выдачи информации из WHOIS базы определяется отдельно каждым регистратором, на основании протокола RFC 3912.

Для получения информации пользователю необходимо указать в WHOIS-форме интересующее его доменное имя, и подать запрос, путём нажатия на кнопку WHOIS. Сведения, содержащиеся в базе WHOIS UANIC обновляются автоматически, кроме того, подлежат ручному обновлению с частотой не более 10 суток.

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